REaL Fire Training, LLC
Engine Company Ops
All of our programs are set to establish and reinforce street proven fundamentals to solidify your foundational skill set. Each of our programs can be tailored to your organizational needs.
Nozzle and Couplings - Engine Company Operations
These courses have become our foundation. Lately there are so many arguments on modern fire behavior and extinguishment tactics, and less on the importance of the fundamentals of engine company skill sets. Identifying this as a problem we have dissected and placed extreme focus on each portion of engine company operations: the pack (load out), the stretch, the push, and the water. Increasing your proficiency on these items will allow you to improve decision making when encountering diverse challenges of the fireground.
No matter your rank or level of experience our focus is to take your skills to the next level. We focus on strengthening your foundation while increasing your ability to get water on the fire fast. Thus developing you into a GAME CHANGER!!
Our Engine Company programs are broken down into a multitude of different sessions and each of them are their own program, but can be tailored to your needs. We offer 4hrs, 8hr, and 16hr programs with major focuses on:
-The Big Three
The Pack (the hose load)
The Stretch
The Push (nozzle work)
-The Oops!
-The Big Line
-The Art of the Leader Line
-Standpipe Operations